As discussed, I am hosting some pretty nasty blemishes right now. They are angry, specifically angry at the skin just between and above my eyebrows. Now, I don't know what that skin did to these zits to make them so upset, but now they have some beef with my temples, too.
WHO GETS ZITS THERE? Someone smart is going to respond and say: Stop wearing your hair down, or use less product. Yeah, no. My hair is barely cracking "styled" right now and I can't cut back on product. Just can't.
So I bought this.
What: Garnier Synergie Pure SOS Anti-Blemish Pen
Where: Pharma Plus/Rexall
Price: $5.00
It was on sale at Rexall, the gross pharamacy with cheaper prices. I am all for avoiding the crazed Shopper's Drug Mart mark-up, but only if you what you buy at Rexall is sealed.
And so far? I applied it about 6 times last night and I would say there is about a 50% improvement. It feels cool going on and smells nice. But, it does make your skin rather sticky and leaves these...well...shiny-looking spots. Like something dried on your face, which this did.
I'm not sure if it's all that much better than toothpaste, to be honest.
Update, 1 week later:
Worked OK. I would give it a 7/10 for effectiveness. It is better than doing nothing, and has kept my problem areas clear. But the stickiness...that really got to me. My hair stuck to my face, my pillow stuck to my face. Annoying.
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